Ranjan Mannige
Postdoctoral Fellow
Theory of Nanostructured Materials Facility,
Molecular Foundry
(510) 495-2377
(rv + my surname)@lbl.gov
Brief vita
- May 2012 - Present: Postdoc, LBNL.
- 2011 - 2012: Research Associate, Harvard University.
- 2010 - 2011: Postdoc, Harvard University.
- 2004 - 2010: Ph.D., The Scripps Research Institute.
I am currently a member of the Foundry's soft matter group working under the supervision of Steve Whitelam. We are working closely with the Zuckermann lab to explore the atomistic properties of peptoid nanosheets through molecular dynamic simulations.
Here is my much more updated external website.
Here is a list of my publications.
- 2012-present; Stephen Whitelam, Tom Haxton, and Dina Mirijanian: Theoretical exploration of peptoid nanoassemblies.
- 2014; Glenn Butterfoss: Peptoid bilayer structure prediction.
- 2012-present; Ronald Zuckermann: Experimental exploration of peptoid nanoassemblies.
- 2010-2011; Eugene Shakhnovich: origins of the first proteins.
- 2004-2010; Jack Johnson, Vijay Reddy and Deborah Kuzmanovich: virus capsid structural biology (electron microscopy).
- 2004-2012; Charles L. Brooks III and Hung Nguyen: virus capsid theory and simulation.
- 2003-2004; B Montgomery Pettitt and Yuiry Fofanov: worked on P-PIDA to explore high-contact-order (non-local) patterns in genomes/proteomes.