Steve Whitelam
Staff Scientist
Theory Facility, Molecular Foundry
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
(510) 495-2769
2004 Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Linacre College, University of Oxford. Supervised by Juan P. Garrahan and David Sherrington
2001 MPhys, Trinity College, University of Oxford
1991-1997 Dunblane High School, Dunblane, Scotland
Research interests
Statistical mechanics and machine learning; nanoscale dynamics and self-assembly
Group members
- Dr. Dina Mirijanian (2009-2012). Dina developed an atomistic forcefield for peptoid polymers.
- Dr. Lester Hedges (2010-2014). Lester worked on fundamental aspects of self-assembly and nucleation.
- Dr. Tom Haxton (2010-2015). Tom worked on fundamental aspects of protein crystallization, self-assembly at surfaces, and peptoid assembly.
- Dr. Ranjan Mannige (2012-2016). Ranjan worked on the self-assembly of peptoid nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks.
- Dr. Joyjit Kundu (2014-2017). Joyjit worked on the dynamics of carbon capture within solid frameworks.
- Dr. Zdenek Preisler (2016-2019). Zdenek worked on molecular self-assembly at surfaces and gas capture in metal-organic frameworks.
- Dr. John Edison (2015-2018). John worked on gas capture in metal-organic frameworks and the self-assembly of peptoid nanomaterials.
- Dr. Katie Klymko (2013-2018) Katie worked on pattern formation and rare events in driven and growing systems.
- Dr. Katie Deeg (2014-2019). Katie worked on the nucleation of metal-organic frameworks.
- Dr. Sang-Won Park (2019-2021). Sang-Won worked on gas capture and the dynamics of neural-network learning.
- Dina Mirijanian developed an atomistic forcefield for peptoids, MFTOID.
- Tom Haxton developed a coarse-grained peptoid model, MF-CG-TOID-MC.
- Lester Hedges' is a C++ library for doing virtual-move Monte Carlo simulations of interacting particles.
Previous Positions
2007-2008 Postdoctoral Fellow, Systems Biology Centre, University of Warwick. Supervised by Nigel Burroughs
2004-2007 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley. Supervised by Phillip L. Geissler
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