Mechanics, Dynamics, and Growth
Fabricating and operating nanomechanical devices depends crucially on their thermal and mechanical stability. The Theory Facility has three internal and one user project in this area, with focus on friction and the pressure dependence of vibrational spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes.
Structural transformations of carbon nanotubes under hydrostatic pressure
Foundry User: Peter Yu, UC Berkeley
Foundry User: Peter Yu, UC Berkeley
Bias-assisted indium mass transport on nanotube surfaces (Jump-start Project)
Collaborator: Marvin L. Cohen, UC Berkeley
Collaborator: Marvin L. Cohen, UC Berkeley
Adsorption, Diffusion, and Mass
Transport on Nanotube Surfaces, 2006-present
Foundry User: M. L. Cohen, UC-Berkeley
Foundry User: M. L. Cohen, UC-Berkeley
Determination of the solubility
limit of TiO2 in ferrite by ab-initio calculations, 2007-present
Collaborator: B. D. Wirth, UC-Berkeley
Collaborator: B. D. Wirth, UC-Berkeley